23.09.2024 ( +103.87%)
Every day, we provide a report to our investors, detailing the specific cryptocurrencies that contributed to the company’s profits. Additionally, we want to emphasize that each investor’s contribution becomes part of a pool where funds are allocated to cryptocurrency trading deals. If we achieve a 100% profit in a day, this profit doesn’t apply to the entire pool. Our traders make selective and strategic decisions about which coins are promising and how much to invest in each coin, based on market analysis and the coin's potential.
23.09.2024 ( +103.87%)
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies Gaining Growth Over the Last 24 Hours:
Bittensor (TAO)
Price: $543.60
Company's Received Income: 18.42%
Volume (24h): $321,311,553
Immutable (IMX)
Price: $1.81
Company's Received Income: 12.15%
Volume (24h): $74,814,078
Arweave (AR)
Price: $21.71
Company's Received Income: 9.94%
Volume (24h): $79,981,480
Popcat (POP)
Price: $0.9281
Company's Received Income: 9.63%
Volume (24h): $120,268,916
Render (RNDR)
Price: $6.09
Company's Received Income: 9.42%
Volume (24h): $426,888,864
NEAR Protocol (NEAR)
Price: $4.86
Company's Received Income: 9.27%
Volume (24h): $547,108,372
The Graph (GRT)
Price: $0.1748
Company's Received Income: 9.17%
Volume (24h): $70,385,484
Aave (AAVE)
Price: $172.23
Company's Received Income: 9.06%
Volume (24h): $361,657,204
KuCoin Token (KCS)
Price: $8.14
Company's Received Income: 7.79%
Volume (24h): $2,129,574
Beam (BEAM)
Price: $0.01767
Company's Received Income: 6.47%
Volume (24h): $20,674,817
Total Recorded Income of the Company for these Cryptocurrencies: 103.87%